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  • 63%
  • Digital Transformation
    Smart cities need to be able to utilise technology
    and leverage digital space to make urban spaces less
    cluttered, more coordinated and well connected.
  • Mobility
    Facilitating the motion of people, goods, waste and utilities
    seamlessly through the scarce real estate of an urban space
    is fundamental to the idea of a smart city.
  • Retrofitting of Green Open Spaces
    Trees are the green lungs of our planet absorbing air pollution,
    recharging our groundwater resources and bringing life to an
    otherwise drab cityscape.
  • Open Data
    The Chennai Datastore has been created by
    the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC)
    as a first step towards freeing Chennai’s data.

Our services

Comely is the essential content management infrastructure for projects of any size, with its flexible APIs and global CDN.

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Sed ultricies ante vitae laoreet sagittis. In pellentesque viverra purus. Sed risus est, molestie nec hendrerit.

Sed ultricies ante vitae laoreet sagittis. In pellentesque viverra purus. Sed risus est, molestie nec hendrerit.

Our Features

Comely is the essential content management infrastructure for projects of any size, with its flexible APIs and global CDN.

Responsive Ready

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Seo Ready

Vivamus porta augue a massa blandit feugiat. Cras sapien nisl, malesuada ac consequat ac, pharetra porttitor.

Tons Of Modules

Vivamus porta augue a massa blandit feugiat. Cras sapien nisl, malesuada ac consequat ac, pharetra porttitor.

Tons Of Modules

Vivamus porta augue a massa blandit feugiat. Cras sapien nisl, malesuada ac consequat ac, pharetra porttitor.

Drap & Drop

Vivamus porta augue a massa blandit feugiat. Cras sapien nisl, malesuada ac consequat ac, pharetra porttitor.

Multiple Skins

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Our portfolio

Comely is the essential content management infrastructure for projects of any size, with its flexible APIs and global CDN.

What our guests say about us

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Beginner-friendly theme no coding skills required

Comely is perfect solution for any customer, who aims at creating a superb website faster and easier than ever before. Well-structured theme options and tooltips with extra information will help to get the noticeable site.

Keep always updated with our fresh blog posts

Comely is the essential content management infrastructure for projects of any size, with its flexible APIs and global CDN.


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